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Mezcal Artesanal Joven

Espadin Mezcal

Hand-selected from the hillsides of a small village in Oaxaca. Tajacú presents a rich taste that engages the palate, ensuring the distinctive smoothness of this variety of agave.

Serve neat in extended glass to allow the mezcal to “awake,” and fully appreciate the flavors and scents of a completely natural experience. Tajacú Espadin Mezcal is an open invitation to uncover and delight with the richness arising from the legendary craftsmanship of the best Mezcal Masters in Oaxaca.

Because of its smooth flavor, Tajacú Espadin Mezcal is enjoyable in any season, with every possible combination.

State: Oaxaca

Maguey: Espadin

Maguey species: Angustifolia Haw

Maturity: 10-12 years

Elevation: 1700 meters

Cooking: 6-10 days

Oak wood

Grinding Style: Mill and Horse

Fermentation Tub Capacity: 1400 L

Fermentation Duration: 6-10 days

Water Source: Spring

Alembic Type: Copper

Alembic Size: 350 L

Ordinary Vol per Tub: 200-220 L

Grade: 45%

Vol Mezcal produced by Tina: 100-120 L



Citrus and Apple: The aroma of apples and perfectly balanced Espadin agave tumble in first.


Smoky: The volcanic stone and firewood of our traditional earth-ovens.

Mezcal Artesanal Joven

Salmiana Mezcal

A mezcal with flashes of silver. Produced in San Luis Potosí, just right in the center of the mexican territory, where ‘Haciendas’ were traditionally used as Mezcal factories. Its intensity is medium high with pleasant mineral notes and a soft presence of cooked agave. On the palate its friendly character stands out, and one note in particular that highlights, memories of maguey worm salt which makes it different from other types of mezcal on the market.

Its distillation process is carried out in two steps, the Salmian agave is cooked in a stone oven and the type of grinding that is used is a Tahona style stone mill and finally it is distilled in a copper alembic.

State: San Luis Potosí

Maguey: Salmiana

Maguey species: Salmiana ssp. Crassispina

Maturity: 12-14 years

Elevation: 1900 meters

Cooking: 6-10 days

Mesquite wood

Grinding Style: Tahona Stone

Fermentation Tub Capacity: 1400 L

Fermentation Duration: 6-10 days

Water Source: Spring

Alembic Type: Copper

Alembic Size: 350 L

Ordinary Vol per Tub: 200-220 L

Grade: 38%

Vol Mezcal produced by Tina: 100-120 L

Spicy: Notes such as peppermint or mint, pepper.


Earthy: Wet soil after rain finish.


Herbal and intense flavors

Mezcal Artesanal Joven

Cupreata Mezcal

The maguey Papalometl takes its name from the Nahuatl word for butterfly (papalotl), the scientific name of this agave is Cupreata, and it looks like a Giant Tobala.

The distillation is carried out in a steel pot with a clay condenser and Carrizo tube (Mexican bamboo).

State: Guerrero

Maguey: Papalometl

Maguey species: A. Cupreata

Maturity: 10-12 years

Elevation: 1590 meters

Cooking: 3-5 days

Oak wood

Grinding Style: Mill and Horse

Fermentation Tub Capacity: 220 L

Fermentation Duration: 5-7 days

Water Source: Manatial

Alembic Type: Stainless Steel / Mud

Alembic Size: 60 L

Ordinary Vol per Tub: 30-40 L

Grade: 45%

Vol Mezcal produced by Tina: 12-15 L

A strong earthy and leathery aroma, a leathery, black olive-like flavor.


A long mid-term, starting with a sweet, strong black cherry flavor that gives way to an earthy feel and a salty touch.

Mezcal Artesanal Joven

Espadilla Mexicano Mezcal

Agave Mexicano (A. Rhodacantha) is also known as Quixe in some regions. Mezcal made with agave Mexicano is typically a unique experience.

The agave Mexicano used in this mezcal took approximately 10 years to reach maturity and were harvested from Puebla. The agaves were cooked in an underground pit oven, fermented in pine-wood tubs, and double distilled in copper.

State: Puebla

Maguey: Mexicano

Maguey species: A. Rhodacantha

Maturity: 10-12 years

Elevation: 2500 meters

Cooking: 6-10 days

Oak wood

Grinding Style: Mill and Horse

Fermentation Tub Capacity: 1400 L

Fermentation Duration: 6-10 days

Water Source: Spring

Alembic Type: Copper

Alembic Size: 350 L

Ordinary Vol per Tub: 200-220 L

Grade: 45%

Vol Mezcal produced by Tina: 100-120 L

Mineral and Dried herbs.


Alcoholic Perception



Mezcal Artesanal Joven

Tobalá Mezcal

Spicy, deep and minty with a perfect density. Slightly tropical since it comes from fifteen-year-old wild agaves; 100% handmade and following the traditional techniques of the world capital of mezcal, Matatlán, Oaxaca.

State: Oaxaca

Maguey: Tobala

Maguey species: Potatorum

Maturity: 10-15 years

Elevation: 1700 meters

Cooking: 15-30 days

Oak wood

Grinding Style: Mill and Horse

Tub Capacity: 1400 L,

Fermentation Duration: 6-8 days

Water Source: Spring

Alembic Type: Copper

Alembic Size: 350 L

Ordinary Vol per Tub: 100-220 L

Grade: 45%

Mezcal Vol produced by Tina: 80-100 L

Earthy with citrus tones that mix with the notes of maguey, banana and warm sweet nuance.


Slightly astringent at first, it highlights caramel and honey with a fruity and earthy flavor.

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